Friday, April 30, 2010

April Showers Bring May Flowers...

among many other things.

Spring is my second favorite season. Flowers are my favorite things. Anytime I see fresh flowers I can't help but smile. They are proof that God is quite an artist. He made the original, all others are copies.

There are also a few other random photos I loved that I just couldn't wait to post, so I added them to this blog. I hope you love them as much as I do.


I have a pet peacock. His name is Nick. I love him and all of his glory.


I love kids. Nearly all of them. I am IN love with these kids.

Meet the Millers. I have babysat Macee since she was a baby and I now have the privilege on doing the same with Micah. Macee is a little spoiled. Micah will be soon. I love them unconditionally, however, and right now they feel the same way about me. I am just starting to photograph children and I love it. Hopefully I will never stop :)


These are just a few portraits. Courtney is my official Model. It's funny to see the first shoot I took of her (3 years ago) compared to how far we've come. She is absolutely breathtaking. Probably the hottest friend I have, hands down. Betsy is gorgeous as well. I am amazed at her loveliness. She is always up for a photo shoot no matter where we end up.

The two of these ladies are not only my top models, but also two of my very best friends. I love them dearly and it is about time the world sees them. So here you are blogisphere, enjoy.